indistinct shouting

Leaves cover the ground and the mornings are colder so spend some time looking back at the summer. First give the summer iteration of Signal a look. Solid skateboarding with friends.

If you’re so inclined pick up the new Work Song. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

Work Song - Summer - Tim Pigott
Work Song - Summer - Tim Pigott
Work Song - Summer - Tim Pigott
Work Song – Honest Engagement With The Observable World
24 pages of photos, art and words.
Available at Quimby’s Chicago, Quimby’s NYC and online

there’s a new day dawnin’

It’s been awhile since I lasted posted here but this year I’ve been working on a new concept. My idea is to create, compile and release things seasonally. This is the first video installment. Please enjoy it.

Instead of putting a bunch of pictures and art in a post I decided to select the best one to put out in a zine. It’s forced me to be really selective with narrowing down my favorites. Hopefully it also makes something that’s a bit more lasting than an instagram like or a one time read. Who knows? Here is the first attempt. Feedback encouraged.

Work Song - Spring - Tim Pigott
Work Song - Spring - Tim Pigott
Work Song - Spring - Tim Pigott
Work Song – Honest Engagement With The Observable World
32 pages of photos, art and words.
Available at Quimby’s Chicago, Quimby’s NYC and online
$6.00 | $8.00 shipped | trades considered