sentimental music

Not really raining or snowing but the air is filled with moisture and the concrete never drys.

So I wanted to write a small thing about a big thing that happened in my life.

Tim Pigott - Photography

On Monday I got the news that my Mom had passed away.

Tim Pigott - Photography

It was completely unexpected. I had talked to her the night before about Thanksgiving plans. And she told me about the walk she went on earlier and her adventures in Chicago last Wednesday. She told me to remember my knee was still healing but she didn’t tell me not to skate.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Tim Pigott - Photography

So I wanted to write this as an easy way to let you know that I might not be at my best for a little bit. I might be slightly distracted. I could probably use some patience and a hug.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I know this is part of the deal. I know it’s going to happen to all of us but the suddenness has brought on concerns and moments of uncertainty and directionless.

Tim Pigott - Photography

The best thing I can do at the moment is to try and keep my Mom’s relentless curiosity going. To keep learning and trying new things. Making new memories. Asking good questions. Walking every day. Stay moving and engaged in the world. To be kind and optimistic. To try and work with purpose. Try my best to make my Mom proud.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I know that it’s going to be difficult on birthdays and holidays and random days but I hope writing this here will serve as a lighthouse to remind me how to exist while I’m still here. 2019 has been such a turbulent year. I’m hoping 2020 is much more even.