metropolitan transportation

We had a good run of it there but now it’s wintering.

FareCard is showing again on CAN TV tomorrow at 9:00. Full schedule in the last post.


And now a few important happenings to attend and enjoy:

This Sunday, January 20th, the Film Por Vida show comes to the Peanut Gallery. If you are not familiar with Film Por Vida you can check the site. I’ll be showing some larger prints along with outstanding work from Tim Johnson, Tubbs, and Katie Bleier. Also 1500 pieces of mailed photography! This show will be incredible. Do not miss it!

On the horizon but also awesome is the You Are Beautiful Show. One of the best things going on in the past decade. There’s also a book in the works. Give what you can because it deserves the support.

I know last time I said I was going to have some year end wraps and old footage edited together and I’ll probably get to some of that sooner of later but for now I’ve had my hands full.


Working hard to make 13 better than 12.