hanging out at the local drugstore

Clambake at the crabtrap.

Hope to see everyone on Friday. The pieces and the space look awesome. I’ll have pictures from the opening next week.

Shawn sent in his entry for the imaginary president zine. He was nice enough to point out I spelled my email wrong on the info page. If you sent something to suchluch please resend it to suchluck. Because of my spelling skills, I’ll be moving the deadline back to 9/1 or around that day.

Epileptic camera work? Stuck sideways? What’s the lurk?
Mark does a circus trick.
Frog smiths and sweeps.

This week Alex got tired of me not having a myspace so he made me one. Unfortunately, he used a nonexistant email so I’m still working on pimping it out or deleting it.
Besides the usual morning sessions we went to the Halsted Fair. I think it’s the largest street fair or the largest midwestern gay street fair or maybe the largest Chicago street fair held in Boystown on this weekend. Whatever the true facts are, they had plenty of fair food and drinks.

why we're all fat

Exactly what it says.

pearls on a pig

These guys wore flames and had tails. They didn’t even stand out.

flames and tails

I liked this band. They played Baby got Back and Kiss me Deadly. I don’t know who they are. We saw them as we headed back to the train.

baby got back/kiss me deadly megamix

I had a new piece mostly done but then I made the mistake of leaving it on the table. Then the little cat chewed and ripped it. So I started over.

Saturday Burnham?

Next weekend Hosoi and 5 parks.

Autumns on it’s way.