let the record resolve

I mean it’s winter. You enjoy the days you can and hibernate when you must.

The year just ended so here is a round up of local vids worth your time. Hopefully they will keep you motivated over the winter:
Deric’s No Cap
Chucky’s gentle
Jake’s do you think this is ok
Chad’s bummmer 3
Kevin’s What is this? A serenade?
Segatron’s Trabajando

Please enjoy the latest seasonal iteration of Signal. We found some random spots and spent long days out in the air. In 2019 I plan to try and clean my lens more but I’m not promising anything.

This post is a few days later than I had hoped because I’ve been busy assembling and sending out the holiday package.

Tim Pigott - Photography

This year I highlighted a number of the things I love: skateboarding, public transit, wonderful food, cardboard, block printing. I didn’t get around to a few other elements but sometimes a deadline can answers questions for you and you have to seal it up, apply stamps and throw it in the mail.

Tim Pigott - Photography

As it stands I have a few packages left and some extra calendars and bandanas.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Yell if you’re interested.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Say hello to Little Pancake Man aka Stuart Gremlin. He lives here now and I love him.

Tim Pigott - Photography

He’s the latest addition to our world and while he’s been a challenge it’s certainly worth it in the long term.

Tim Pigott - Photography

The same can be said about this year.

Tim Pigott - Photography

It’s certainly been a challenge.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I should’ve traveled more. Hesitated less. Made more of my time.

Tim Pigott - Photography

And when I wasn’t making the most of my time I should’ve enjoyed that downtime instead of browbeating myself over my inefficiency.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I should try and figure out how other people do it.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Live lives. Find contentment. Find quietness.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Damn this is a pretty terrible read.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Last year I took some pictures I liked. Laughed more than cried.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Spent a reasonable amount of time making things. Ate some delightful foods.

Tim Pigott - Photography

There were lots of amazing nights with friends.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Afternoons with family.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Mornings with cats.

Tim Pigott - Photography

That ones a bit of a double edged swords because most mornings my cats wake me an hour earlier than I’d like demanding to be fed.

Tim Pigott - Photography

But after they get fed I can catch a little more rest and if I’m lucky fall into that heavy short deep sleep.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Come to think of it 2018 was A-O-K all things considered.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I mean there’s was a lot of just awful things happening to the world.

Tim Pigott - Photography

And there are days I’m convinved the world is 110% terrible.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Too much unexpected sorrow, undeserved tragedy, cruelness and rage.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Sometimes it feels like too much.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Today I experienced one of the most simple blissful feelings I can have in my day to day life.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I walked up to the bus stop as the bus was pulling up.

Tim Pigott - Photography

The opposite can happen too.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Sometimes you hustle up the stairs just to watch the doors close and the train pull away from the platform.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m hopeful that 2019 will have some of those blissful experiences.

Tim Pigott - Photography

And I’m certain it will probably some of those let downs.

Tim Pigott - Photography

But how I react after that grouchiness or happy rush is something I can control.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m going to stay up and try to learn to be better.

Tim Pigott - Photography

At least I’m going to try my best to.

Tim Pigott - Photography

If I forget don’t hesitate to let me know but please be kind about it.

Tim Pigott - Photography

We all need more gentle optimism and enthusiasm in our lives.