knees knees these are my knees

We’re right in the heart of a typical midwest winter. No real complaints. It’ll be over sooner or later.

Please enjoy the autumn iteration of Signal.

A number of things I’ve enjoyed lately:

– The movie Good Time. I’m so glad I didn’t know too much about it before seeing it. All around great film work, editing, soundtrack, and acting, it really stuck with me afterwards.
Ace Trucks
Comb from the St Losers crew. Lots of spots with terrible ground.
NYCTA Objects. This book is made for obsessives such as myself.
Skate After School
Crypto from Deep Dish and Snack
The Grains Video
Day Off Boys Promo Nater has a bunch of awesome stickers, shirts, and koozies available too.
Jake Cook’s Dunky Sandwich.
Andy Baxter’s Excuse Me
Finally this phenomenal Chris Jones 365 part. Jacob Harris had an amazingly productive year with the SkatePal and Atlantic Drifts. His camera work and editing are an inspiration. Great stuff!

This has been going since 2006. That’s crazy.

Such Luck - keychain

After two issues of Work Song I decided to temporarily shelve the concept.

Tim Pigott - Photography

These are the photographs I took during the fall months.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Since this year started I’ve had a few different exchanges with people that made me think.

Tim Pigott - Photography

First off I am terrible at reading.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I used to read for pleasure all the time but at some point I started to lean on podcasts and newspaper articles and things on the web.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I recently started a book and found myself skimming ahead or skipping paragraphs completely instead of slowing down and trying to take in every word and sentence.

Tim Pigott - Photography

When I talked about this with a friend they pointed out that I was trying to read a novel like a wikipedia article instead of enjoying the reading.

Tim Pigott - Photography

So this year I’m trying to relearn to read.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I think there’s a lot of things like that. Drawing, interaction with other people, even just watching tv.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Sometimes you need to relearn and practice things to be more comfortable doing them.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Can I watch a show on tv and enjoy it for what it is without sketching or texting or instagramming?

Tim Pigott - Photography

Randomly my old roomate sent me an email with a photo I had mailed her a long time ago.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Usually I’m pretty critical of things I make and I can dismiss them or find tiny flaws but I really loved this image.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I don’t remember what camera I shot it with or when. I’m not sure where the negatives are or if I still have them.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Most of the time I put a lot of energy and focus into making things and then immediately move on to making other things.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m just not very good at the “selling” aspect of creative endeavors.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m also pretty terrible at organizing and archiving.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I briefly looked for a scan of the image but without success. It’s probably somewhere buried in the old posts.

Tim Pigott - Photography

It’s a photo of a plane in the sky and there’s also a flock birds and one of the birds mirrors the plane nicely.

Tim Pigott - Photography

That brings me to another conversation I had about practice.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Am I trying to take photographs for display, for a show, or just to put on the internet? Is there a goal?

Tim Pigott - Photography

If I didn’t get feedback would I still keep making things and posting them?

Tim Pigott - Photography

Should there be an instagram without likes?

Tim Pigott - Photography

Should likes influence what I post? What I make?

Tim Pigott - Photography

For a while I was trying to look at all the posts in my feed when I got home.

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I was worried I might miss something a friend put up.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately the algorthim has started mixing things up so I gave up being so strict about it.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Now I try and do my best to see what I can and then move on with it.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Don’t get me wrong I love all this information and content.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m not going to hate seeing new things or seeing things my friends have made or things that might spark ideas.

Tim Pigott - Photography

But as I get older I feel more stressed about time and time utilization.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Am I contributing enough? Doing enough? Making enough?

Tim Pigott - Photography

How long will my knees hold up?

Tim Pigott - Photography

Why did I take a nap this afternoon? Did I squander away an opportunity?

Tim Pigott - Photography

Am I not taking enough naps and wearing myself thin?

Tim Pigott - Photography

This yead I’m going to try and talk to more people about how they integrate creativity and art into their lives.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Maybe they have an idea I haven’t even considered.

Tim Pigott - Photography

If you have thoughts or ideas on the subject I’d love to hear them.

Tim Pigott - Photography

Mostly I’m going to try and be more open and aware and engaged and involved and immersed in the world.

Tim Pigott - Photography

I’m going to get a haircut and an eye exam this Saturday. 2018 is going to be the best!